Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Splash Splash Water!

Last weekend I went to Kukup Beach with IAIC Jogjakarta!! :D It's located on southern Jogja, to be exact in Gunung Kidul (Mount Kidul). What? a mount? Yes everybody! We had to pass a long curly hilly road to go there. And it took a two-hours-non-stop-queasiness until we get there. Oh yeah.

We arrived at evening, so unfortunately we couldn't go to the beach soon as we arrived cuz it was already dark. Hhuhuhuhu ;(
But that didn't mean that night wasn't fun! Thank's to all the game that we played, we laughed a lot until our abs cramped. hhahahahahaha. That silly night that I couldn't forget.

The next morning I woke up at 5 with stiffness over my body. Imagine that we have to sleep with five of us in a single bed *of course we put down the mattress first, so it fit for five of us*
It's really life changing. Hyahahahaha :D

When I wanna go to the toilet to wash my face and take wudlu, guess what, there's no water! HOHOHOHO

intinya yah sampah banget tuh vilanya. wakakakakakak.

Forget about the shame villa we got to go to the beach! Oo yeah.. It was really a beauuuuutifuuull beach!!
 Look that beautiful beach!

We found ophiureidea and sea urchin there. I've never found a beach that still so pure and calming like Kukup before.

I hope I can back to this beach again :D

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Live Once. Live Happily.

Makin banyak orang yang mati muda. More people, with good health, still young, die. Somehow, God looks like wanna show us that no one know how long you'll live. That's what I've learned. Who knows that Adjie Massaid would die so fast? He loved sport. He ate good food. He lived in healthy way. And he died after played football because of heart attack. Wew. He left three little kids and a wife. I feel so sorry to the kids. It's not so easy I guess to grow up without father.

This also happened with my mom's hairdresser. Two weeks before, my mom met Cik Lina (her hairdresser). They even talked and laughed together. But two weeks later Cik Lina died. We knew that a week after she died. At that time my mom took me to the salon to get my hair cut and we knew that. Wew. Siapa yang tahu kalau 2 minggu lagi ternyata Cik Lina meninggal? Waktu ketemu sama ibu gw aja dia masih sehat wa'alfiat, but once again, who knows?

Several weeks ago there was a funeral in my neighborhood. Again the one who died was still young and his kid is still in kindergarten I think. All those fact make me think. The question of "What have I done in my life?" and "If I died later, have I done good things?" keep popping up in my mind. Can I use this life, my only life, in good way with no regret?

I think God just remind us that we just live for once and within a period that we never know.

I'll start not to postpone anything I could do now and may be I have to give more appreciate for every second I spent.
Thank's God for giving me a good life, for giving a chance to be me.

"When years, days, hours are no longer count, only minutes, seconds, miliseconds that left
what would you do?"

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Hair Loss No More

I'm now in a salon to have my hair cut with mom who get facial upstair. But unfortunately there's no hairdresser who finished her job, so i have to wait. And it's totally boring. When my mom get facial, I'm here sitting alone reading Tempo. Aawwwh.. When can I got my hair cut?

Actually I wanna let my hair grow long, but because of this totally damn hair loss, i need to cut my hair. My doctor said it's better to have short hair during the treatment period... It reduces the weight that need to carry by my hair root. Because now my hair root is still weak.

Beside that the doctor gave me a lot medicine! Start from 2 hair tonics and 4 pills to drink everyday :(
Ohhh.. I never think this could be so serious.
AAAAAHH I hope my hair can be cured soon :D
Amin :)

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Girls.. I Miss Ya All.. -__-

I just miss them already. Love ya MCK

New Year, New Design, New Spirit

May be it's too late to say new year. But however it's still January rite? Hwahahahahaha.. So now FINALLY I redecorate my blog. *jeng jeng jeng --> back sound*
Yeyyyy.. It took a whole night for me to redecorate this blog, thank's to uncle google who helped me a lot. Ahahahahaha :D
I hope with this new design I can be more often to write in this blog. And my english grammar will improve, and I hope this blog will make me able to write a good writing.



Senin, 24 Januari 2011

When You Can't Tell Anybody Else, Tell Your Mom

"There's nothing better than your mom advice"
These weeks were the hardest days I've ever had. Well may be for some people my problem was not so bad. But for me, it was new. I've never felt afraid, scared, depressed like this before. And all those feeling came up just because MY 1ST SEMESTER FINAL EXAM

I was kind of surprise, really, found out that I was afraid just because of an exam. I mean, I've been through all kind of exam in my life, but this is the first time ever that I felt so AFRAID. Not to bragging my self, but I NEVER afraid of a test. Even the college entrance test. It was usually cause I knew I can do it, or may be just my over confidence. But REALLY, I never got panic just because of a test.

But now it's so different. I'm afraid, panic, or you can say stress. I often cried just to think how the result could be. I'm desperate. My hair fell a lot and I couldn't stop worried about it. I felt confuse.

May be because this is something NEW. This is the first time for me. In whole of my life I always learn science and it's easy to me. But now I'm in A WHOLE NEW WORLD. Social science is really dynamic, you can't predict it, and it's all about analyzing. I'm not so confidence with my analyze comprehension. I feel like I'm not good in it. I feel I CAN'T do this.

I knew it was wrong. I believe that "you are what you think". But I can not stop thinking that I can't. Everytime I look my friend I always find that I feel insecure and not confidence. It feels like I'm the dumbest of all. But I know it's not true. I can do it. But I'm too afraid to fail. I always think that may be I will disappointing my parents If I fail. I know it's not true. My parents will accept me as their children even if I got a bad score, but I keep worried and felt guilty.

I never told this to everybody. I always pretend like nothings happened. But in silence, I always cry. Because I think there's no need to tell, I'm already know what should I do, but still I can't do it.

My heart felt heavy. Like something deep inside was hurt, and would explode.
So when I went back home yesterday I told my mom what I felt. It was so naturally, my mouth kept pouring out what's been troubled in my mind.
And really to tell your mom is a good decision. My mom said that's OK if I failed, but I should never repeat the same mistake. I should go up and fight back.
May be it's a short advice but it really made my heart lighter.

Love you Mom ;)

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Last Day on 2010 : AWESOME :D

My family is HERE. Jyajajajajajajajajajajaja *weird sound?* Owowowowowo..
Aaaaa I'm so happy and tired.. Ahahahaha.
Yesterday we went to Malioboro and Beringharjo Market. Of course we were there for SHOPPING. Yeeeyyy..  We were so excited and didn't realize that we'd walked so far. That's why now I can't feel my leg. Hyahahaha..

Actually my mom wanted to go to Beringharjo to find bawang putih lanang (some kind of onion and it goods for your health, some said it can reduce your cholesterol level). But in the end we bought many things, from just onion to batik, gamis even tablecloth, hwahahahahaha. My mom bought tablecloth with Rama Sinta painting on it. My Dad got an awesome T-Shirt with Andong and Vespa pict on it. I got daster (sleepwear) and a pair of nice bangles :) My two little sisters, Dhila got Batik shirt for her school uniform and Icha got a super cute gamis. We really shopped till dropped (??)

And guess what, I got new printer, TV, and modem! Aaaaaa.. Such good things to seize new year.. Now my room become super complete :D