Senin, 27 Desember 2010

I'm Going Solo.. Solo..

 seems you can't play "odong-odong" in Solo

I was thinking spontaniously when I decided to go to Solo with my friends. Hahahahahahaha. I was just coming to my room after stayed up in Dinda's kost when they texted me, "Are you going to Solo or not?" Without any preparing at all I decided to follow my friend to take a little "adventure" in Solo. A last minute decision.

Actually, my mom doesn't allow me to travel with motorcycle. But, yesterday I was a rebel girl you never knew. Hwahahaha. Me, the one who love comfort, trying to travel with motorcycle. I was kind of challenge my self to try somethin new. Well, it was still part of my seventeen resolution (since I'm still seventeen right, why not?).

I was kinda nervous actually, because it was my first time traveling with motorcycle and I lied to my mom. I said to her that I went there by train (aaaaaaaaaaaaa, what just did you do S?? i'm very very sooorryy mom..). I felt bad from the start and tadaaaa, suddenly my friend got an accident in the middle of the trip. Thank's God he was alright and we could pass to Solo safely.

my first and last time trip with motorcycle blah!

BUT, SERIOUSLY, traveling with motorcycle was sooooooooooo tiring. It would be my first time and last time though. Hwahahahaha. I must sat in the motorcycle for 2 hours, and it was bad. I felt pain in my feet (pegel-pegel :p) when I got off the motorcycle. In the end I decided to go home alone with train :p

Stupidly, I didn't go to somewhere in Solo. I just played around in my friend's kost. But it was fun actually. Hahahaha. VERY VERY muspro (muspro: meaningless).

Well, it didn't mean that I was REALLY NOT going somewhere, I was seeing Keraton Solo and Klewer Market. But we just passed it. Hahahahaha. But of course we didn't forget to take a picture.

I'll be baaacckkk Solo :)
May be I should try to go to Solo alone next time, and get an actual vacation. :p

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Oh When The Saints Go Marching In...

Being a marching band player can be so tiring! I learned that at marching band inauguration last Sunday. After a long decision (go-not go-go-not go-GO), I decided to come and finally let my self in to the group.
All I could remember about the inauguration is just the drill. We were making a row, slide, step forward, and last the "march time march end" command. Fffhhh. I couldn't felt my feet for a while. At night I just could put my feet into a bowl of warm water. That was awesome.

I hope I can be a good player. Amin.

Senin, 22 November 2010


I do think a lot about the paperwork. But it seems like my brain have a lack of idea. Huhuhuhuhu.
When will it end?? I gotta hurry before the deadline ;(

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Because Life is Rolling?

Last Saturday, I went to my old school. There was USM ITB Try Out that held by IAIC Nozo from Bandung. I met my high school friend that surprisingly not change much since high school. I was expected that may be they've changed a lot in the college, but well they were still my friend that I knew before. Does it mean that I didn't change too? Hhahaha may be. I feel like I am still me that people know. I don't change a lot, I guess, and I don't want to. May be a little change is good, but I haven't thought about changing yet. Am I too comfort with my self? Hahaha I don't know

"friendship is two bodies in one soul" - aristotles

By the way, there will be IAIC Roadshow 2011 next week!!
OMG, I can't wait to meet them soon :D

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Selembar Kertas Bisa Membuat Seseorang Berubah

Gw baru tau kalo ternyata sebejat-bejatnya manusia dia masih punya hati nurani juga *lebay*. Hahahahahaha. Yah habisnya gw masih kaget (sekaligus ngakak) kalo nginget gimana berubahnya kakak buddy gw kemaren.

As I told in the post before, I have two Buddies to accompany us in these 3 months Kak Amel-Winan.. Unfortunately Kak Amel nggak bisa nemenin kita selama 3 bulan karena dia harus pergi ke Aussie..

Nah berhubung Kak Amel mau pergi, gw entah kenapa ngerasa harus ngasih sesuatu ke dia buat kenang-kenangan sekaligus rasa terima kasih gw dan buddy 5 buat kak Amel. Jadilah gambar hasil iseng-iseng gw di kamar (gambar potret anak-anak Buddy 5 plus kak Amel-Winan gitu) gw jadikan hadiah perpisahan buat kak Amel.

Biar gag begitu plain dan lebih meaningful gw minta anak-anak Buddy 5, Dara, Muti, Buyung, Fatih, ma Ridho, buat nulis pesan mereka ke kak Amel di gambar itu. Biar afdhol gw juga minta kak Winan buat nulis pesannya di situ.

Nah pas gw mintain pesen kak Winan, entah kenapa gw baru sadar Buddy gw itu ada 2. Dan menurut gw agak gag fair aja kalo kak Amel dapet tapi kak Winan nggak. Tapi gw ngeri kalo ngasih kak Winan, karena gw yakin banget dia nggak bakal nyimpen gambarnya, kemungkinan paling bagus dari nasib gambar gw mungkin kalo nggak keselip di kamarnya ya nyasar di tong sampah. Jadi gw membuat lagi gambar buat kak Winan setelah sedikit mengancam dia buat nyimpen gambarnya walaupun dia bilang dinding kamar dia udah penuh sama poster Olivia Jansen.

Kocaknya pas gw mintain pesen ke anak-anak buat kak Winan mereka pada nanya "buat apa Winan dikasih?" Hwahahahahaha. Kasian banget. Wajar sih kalo mereka pada bereaksi kayak gitu secara kak Winan tuh lebih banyak boongnya daripada benernya, udah gitu dia udah berniat menelantarkan kita gitu pas kak Amel pergi. Kata dia, "Gw nargetin tiga bulan tiga kali ketemu." Pas kita semua protes dia malah bilang, "Sebulan sekali ketemu tuh udah bagus tau.." Yang dibales ama si Dara "Kalo kakak beneran sebulan sekali ketemunya, saya bakalan tumpengan!"
Sejujurnya sampai sekarang masih menjadi sebuah misteri besar buat gw gimana caranya kak Winan bisa lolos seleksi Buddy.

Yah walaupun pada setengah hati gitu ngisinya, anak-anak tetep mau sih ngisi pesennya (walaupun kebanyakan berisi protes "awas aja cuma sebulan sekali ketemuan!" dan doa "semoga kak winan masih inget sama kita"). Paling lucu sih pas gw mintain kak Amel buat ngisi pesen ke kak Winan, kak Amel ampe nanya 3 kali ke gw, "Ini buat apa??" Mungkin kak Amel bingung kenapa Winan berhak ngedapetin hadiah kayak gitu melihat kontribusinya yang lebih banyak nyampahnya daripada meaningnya. Hhahahahahaha :D

Dan akhirnya pas kemaren inagurasi PPSMB HI 2010, hadiahnya gw kasih buat kak Winan-kak Amel. Gambarnya gw laminating gitu (yang diketawain ama kak Winan "kenapa cuma lw laminating? katanya mau lw hias?" "BUKANNYA KAKAK YG NYURUH DILAMINATING AJA??!!" "HWAHAHAHAHA, Sorry sorry gw waktu itu bercanda" "..." *bete sebete-betenya*).
Kak Amel seneng banget dapet hadiah itu, ampe dipamer-pamerin ke temen-temennya segala. Seneng sih, artinya kerja keras gw buat ngegambar gag sia-sia (apalagi gambar mukanya kak Winan, buset tu orang susah banget digambar, yang ada jadi malah tambah ganteng).

Paling aneh tuh reaksi kak Winan. Serius deh bikin merinding. Dia bener-bener ngebaca komen-komen dari kita dengan seksama (lw harus ngeliat mukanya pas ngebaca komennya!). Udah gitu tiba-tiba secara ajaib, entah dia kejedot atau itu pengaruh kertas ajaibnya, dia berubah jadi baik!

Tanda-tanda efek samping kak Winan keracunan/kejedot/pertobatan?? ::
  • Pas kita minta maaf gara-gara kita gag bisa jadi Buddy terbaik, dia bilang "Kalian tetep Buddy terbaik buat saya kok..." Kita semua cuma bisa bengong
  • Pas mau buka puasa dia nyuruh kak Amel "Mel lw ambilin bukaan buat anak-anak dulu gih, gw mau bantu-bantu yang laen soalnya" Adalah kejadian yang aneh banget ngeliat kak Winan BANTU-BANTU
  • Pas sholat maghrib dia mempersilahkan kita sholat duluan dan dia jagain tempat
  • Pas habis sholat maghrib dia udah ngambilin kita makan malem
  • Pas makan malem dia nanyain kita mau nanya apa tentang dunia perkuliahan dan ngasih tau tips-tipsnya *biasanya ini hanya keluar dari mulut kak Amel
  • Pas makan malem dia nyuruh kita buat ngirim nomer plus email kita ke dia buat jaga-jaga kalo ada informasi apa-apa *ini juga biasanya kak Amel yang ngerjain, bahkan kita sempet yakin kalo kak Amel lah yang bakal ngirim kita sesuatu dari Aussie
  • Pas mau pulang dia janji ke kita pertemuan buddy selanjutnya kita bakal karaokean

GOKIL KAN! Seseorang yang tadinya cuma bisa ngeboong, niat nelantarin kita, nggak tau pake cara apa bisa lolos seleksi buddy padahal kerjaannya cuma nyuruh kak Amel bisa jadi care gitu habis kita kasih hadiah. Mungkin aja kak Winan merasa terenyuh mendengar jeritan protes anak-anaknya. Hhahahahaha..

Yah gw cuma berharap moga-moga kak Winan masih inget ama janjinya yang mau karaokean itu..
Oh ya ama bundelan UTS juga, ama contoh paper juga...

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

I found my self in the middle of nowhere

A college life can be tough for people like me. It’s not easy to make a friend for me. I’m not the one who will say “Hello, what’s your name?” but I’m the one who answer, “Hi, I’m S.” Hahahahaha.. *ironic laugh

Okey, well actually I’ve already got some friends here, well the ospek is really help. But with my analitical-critical-nonsense-mind, I always think first about that boy/girl look like in my prespective instead to know him/her in real. And once I’ve made a judgement, I’ll decide whether he/she can be my friend or not, although may be he/she would be great friend if I just say “Hi”.

Example, I got friend name FP. He’s really annoying (at least for me). You can say it just from looking him, he try too much to get attention (caper=cari perhatian). Once in Model United Nations that we held, when other delegate was talking, he suddenly said “Point of Personal Pervileges! I can’t hear it!” Ohh come on, I was in the back and I could hear it CLEARLY. It was really clear that he just wanna get ATTENTION. OMG.

Another time, he (unluckily) is in the same class with me and while in the class we were discussing about the punishment that would be give if someone late, he said loudly as if he’d been the one who rule the class “One by one, raise your hand before you talk!”

And in other time while we were waiting for the next class, our senior went out from the class and we were waiting in front of the door, and this annoying boy said “Wait until all the senior out, then we in!!” OMG! Do you think what we are? An elementary school student? We’ve already known that!! There was no one who want to come in Mr. You-Think-You-Know-Everything!! Okey, I know he was right but if you were me and you were there, you would know why I don’t like him at all.

In my mind this boy get a serious Hello-Everyone-Look-At-Me disorder. I’ve seen many kind of these kids in my life. And I usually not their friend. The cause of this disorder can be vary. In this case, I have a theory that he wanna be an important person. He’s obsessed with power, so he try much effort to show everyone that he can rule, but instead of power he only get teased.

But yesterday, when I told my friend about my thought, she said “Well, it’s naturally the way he talk. May be it’s annoying, but if you know him further you’ll find that he’s really generous.” I suddenly shut my mouth and thought. Is he really bad or just me who think bad? I suddenly find my self alone. How can I make a friend if I always think like this? But usually I always true about my feeling. I always believe that I can read somebody from his/her gesture or the way he/she talks and I never wrong. Or may be I’m true but I don’t want to see another side of him/her that actually kind?

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

I Met My New Family :)

Several days ago I've just finished my PPSMB HI 2010, although the inauguration will be held on Saturday 28 Aug 2010. Gratefully, it wasn't hard or full of bully like other department :) And also the task, we only had 2 individual task (essay and position paper) and some group tasks (white bag, co-card, and making yell). Well it was definitely nothing if you compare that with the Communication Department. They had 8 essays to do and you haven't counted the other tasks. What I wanna say just "hell!!"

Beside the task and the free-bully what I love the most about the ospek was.... BUDDY 5!!!

First, what is Buddy?
In HI, we were divided into small groups and each groups had 2 Buddies (senior) to accompany them for 3 months. My group, Buddy 5, got Kak Amel and Kak Winan as our Buddy.

Our buddy consisted of 6 members and we were the smallest Buddy among others (unfortunately Enjin was gone with the wind hhahahaha). But this small-thing made us more like family than other Buddies. And our Buddy, well, they were the silliest couple (or partner) that I've ever met. Hhahahahaha..

Kak Amel is a mother typical. She's very care with us. In the morning she would text us what to bring and remind us not to forget it. And when Jogja shook with slight earthquake, she was immediately texted us, asking if we alright. What a good mom! :))

Kak Winan is definetely the epposite of Kak Amel. He's not a 'Dad' at all. He's more likely someone live in the next house and ruining our life. Hhahahaha. He is a good liar. Don't believe whatever he said, cause all of them are just craps. But he is funny, the good side of it is we never run out of jokes, all he do can make us laugh.

But I do a fan of this weird couple. I mean, I was just lived in place where I never imagine and I was feel insecure with that, but luckily there were they who somehow can replace the family thing that I need. And magically, I didn't feel homesick at all, and I believed that was because of them.

My friends in Buddy 5 really helped me too. Dara, Muti, Buyung, Fatih and Ridho. They were good to me and I really enjoyed hang out with them. Thank you guys :D

Somehow, I believe, this what we call as God's gift. :)

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Prologue : About Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf

Actually I have made this blog since early July. Tapi entah kenapa gw lagi nggak punya ide mau nulis apa. Jadilah blog ini terlantar menjadi hanya sebuah account useless. -__-
Dan menurut gw, karena gw sudah membuat blog ini, gw bertanggung jawab buat setidaknya nulis satu post sebelum (akhirnya) nanti gw masuk kuliah (dan menjadi sibuk gara-gara ospek). yah sebenernya gw sendiri bingung emang gw bertanggung jawab sama siapa? Yah at least sama diri gw sendiri lah yang udah memutuskan buat bikin blog. :p

Jadi kenapa musti little red riding hood vs the wolf sih?
Yah, mm.. sebenernya saya juga nggak tau. Hhahaha. Cuma keliatannya keren aja. Bingung dimana kerennya? Mari berimajinasi bersama saya.

Coba bayangin misalnya little red riding hood itu bukan si kerudung merah biasa yang ada di fairytales umumnya, bayangkan itu adalah nama samaran sebuah agen cewek misterius yang karena kelihaiannya dalam melaksanakan tugas maka dia di panggil si kerudung merah (coba lw bayangin cewek kayak Angeina Jolie di film Salt, berlumuran darah abis ngebunuh musuhnya, lw pasti ngerti kenapa namanya little red riding hood)

Terus the Wolf itu musuhnya si little red, penjahat kelas kakap gitu deh. Dia tuh dalangnya semua penjahat dan nggak pernah terjerat hukum saking rapi banget kerjanya. Terus si little red itu dikasih tugas buat ngejar si the Wolf.

and the movie's title's Little Red Riding Hood vs The Wolf
ngerti kan kenapa gw bilang jadi lebih keren? Soalnya jadi berbau action gitu.

Oke gw tau itu agak norak.

Yah sebenernya sih little red riding hood itu representasi dari diri gw sendiri, atau lebih tepatnya someone that I wanna be. Pertanyaannya : kenapa little red riding hood? Yah karena menurut gw jadi si kerudung merah tuh keren banget. Coba lw bayangin ada anak kecil yang berani jalan sendirian ngelewatin hutan cuma buat ketemu sama neneknya (yang malah ujung-ujungnya jadi ketemu serigala bencong yang punya hobi nyamar jadi nenek-nenek).
Maksud gw, hebat banget kan!
(Yang sebenernya agak gw pertanyakan adalah orangtua mana yang tega ngelepas anak mereka sendirian dan kemungkinan bakalan dimakan serigala?)
Dan menurut gw si little red juga punya fashion taste yang bagus. Kenapa? Karena dia memilih merah buat warna hoodienya, yang menurut gw pilihan yang cukup berani. Dan merah sendiri memang melambangkan keberanian. hmm, omongan gw mulai ngaco...

Sementara gw, (setidaknya menurut gw sendiri) adalah orang yang penakut. Mungkindari luar gw terlihat pemberani. tapi sebenernya tidak. Gw sering banget takut sama hal-hal yang nggak penting. Takut sama perubahan, takut memulai hal yang baru, takut ketemu orang baru, takut dianggep nggak asik, takut banget ketemu hantu (mungkin semua orang juga ya?), takut nonton film horror, takut negor orang laen yang berbuat salah, takut sama cicak (yah sebenernya phobia sih), dan takut-takut lainnya.

Oleh karena itu, di usia 17 tahun ini gw pengen banget menghilangkan takut-takut gw ini (yang gw lambangkan sebagai The Wolf) dan menjadi sepemberani little red riding hood.
Dan blog ini gw buat untuk mencatat apakah si little red riding hood (baca: gw) berhasil mengalahkan The Wolf (ketakutan-ketakutan gw) atau malah berakhir di dalam perutnya?

Karena untuk mengalahkan Serigala Si Kerudung Merah dibantu sama Sang Pemburu, maka gw yakin gw pun tidak sendiri, ada banyak Pemburu yang ada untuk membantu gw :)