Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Live Once. Live Happily.

Makin banyak orang yang mati muda. More people, with good health, still young, die. Somehow, God looks like wanna show us that no one know how long you'll live. That's what I've learned. Who knows that Adjie Massaid would die so fast? He loved sport. He ate good food. He lived in healthy way. And he died after played football because of heart attack. Wew. He left three little kids and a wife. I feel so sorry to the kids. It's not so easy I guess to grow up without father.

This also happened with my mom's hairdresser. Two weeks before, my mom met Cik Lina (her hairdresser). They even talked and laughed together. But two weeks later Cik Lina died. We knew that a week after she died. At that time my mom took me to the salon to get my hair cut and we knew that. Wew. Siapa yang tahu kalau 2 minggu lagi ternyata Cik Lina meninggal? Waktu ketemu sama ibu gw aja dia masih sehat wa'alfiat, but once again, who knows?

Several weeks ago there was a funeral in my neighborhood. Again the one who died was still young and his kid is still in kindergarten I think. All those fact make me think. The question of "What have I done in my life?" and "If I died later, have I done good things?" keep popping up in my mind. Can I use this life, my only life, in good way with no regret?

I think God just remind us that we just live for once and within a period that we never know.

I'll start not to postpone anything I could do now and may be I have to give more appreciate for every second I spent.
Thank's God for giving me a good life, for giving a chance to be me.

"When years, days, hours are no longer count, only minutes, seconds, miliseconds that left
what would you do?"

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